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Product Development Engineer

Product Development Engineer

Joined in 2019

I am a third generation Japanese Brazilians and I studied Computer Science at the University of Sao Paulo. I had a sense of affinity with Japan since I was a child, but my passion for Japanese anime and video games during my college years led me to come to Japan as a short-term foreign student to attend Tsukuba University for a year, and after returning to Japan, I worked as an engineer intern at a securities company. After graduating from the University of Sao Paulo in December 2018, I came back to Japan because I enjoyed living in Japan. I can walk out at night with my phone and watch and have less risk of being involved in a crime! My first goal was to live in Japan, so I came to Japan with a short-term visa and got a part-time job as a kitchen assistant at a ski resort hotel in Nagano Prefecture. In February, I thought it was time to start looking for a job, so I registered on a job site, but I didn't know if it was a good time or not. It was hard to find one. So I gave up on working in Japan and bought a flight ticket to return to Brazil in March. Then I was introduced to Morpho by a certain agent who happened to introduce me to the company.

Product Development Engineer

When I saw the company's website for the first time, I got an impression that the company looked a bit stiff, but when I saw the product introduction page, I got interested in SoftNeuro. That's because I was also studying Deep Learning at university. I applied for the job in mid-March, even though I was about to return to Brazil. From there, I took a programming test, had a first interview, a final interview, and then a job offer, all in only 8 days (which seemed to be the shortest time ever). The week after I got the job offer was already the induction ceremony. I had given up on working in Japan, so I was happy.

I joined the company as a new graduate, so I took the basic training course, and after that I started the product development training. It was a practical training for about two months in which I developed one product in cooperation with my colleagues. What I thought was interesting was that we were given only a goal and the approach was free. My assignment was to develop a tool to make annotations on segmentation easier, and it was a lot of fun with a lot of freedom. After that, I was assigned to the product development team. There, I was involved in the upgrade of SoftNeuro and the joint project with Qualcomm. It was especially exciting to be exposed to chipsets that have not yet been announced to the world.

From January 2020, I'll be seconded to Morpho AI Solutions. What we're doing hasn't changed much, but now we're more AI-focused. I search for the latest machine learning models, tune them up and rebuild them into general-purpose models. This is because many of the models published by academic institutions cannot be used in real-world situations. Recently, many models that work at the edge have been released, so I customize the peripheral parts of the algorithms and develop models for other applications besides smartphones, such as cameras, Jetson, Qualcomm chipsets, and AI processors.

I often hear a lot of negative things about the working environment in Japan from non-Japanese friends. But at least I don't work in such an environment now. It's not the kind of environment where you have to work overtime, or where there is a strict limit to your workload, or where you feel like you are being watched all the time. If I don't understand something, I can ask my seniors and someone will teach me.

Morpho is not a company that only very smart people can join. If you like the latest technology and want to feel the joy of knowing that your work is useful to someone else, please apply with confidence. We're waiting for you!