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  3. Inquiry regarding IR

Inquiry regarding IR

This form is for inquiry regarding IR.
Please fill in the form below with your information and questions/comments.
Please be advised that we may not able to answer to some of your questions/comments, depending on its matter and/or the time of year.

<Request Matter>
Since the answer you received for your inquiry is merely an answer for this specific inquiry, please do not use the answer, or part/s of it (including summary), for diversion or secondary use.

*Examples for diversion and secondary use include, but are not limited to the following.
Using answers from Morpho, partial or complete (including summaries) to:
・Post on websites, blogs, SNS, etc.
・Transmit by telephone, e-mail, etc.
・Print and hand to third party (including family members)


Morpho processes your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.