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  4. Earnings Highlights

Earnings Highlights


(Million Yen)

Operating income

(Million Yen)

Ordinary income

(Million Yen)

Profit attributable to owners of parent

(Million Yen)

Earnings per share


Return on equity (ROE)



(Million Yen)

Operating income

(Million Yen)

Ordinary income

(Million Yen)

Net income

(Million Yen)

Earnings per share


Return on equity (ROE)


  • * 2nd Quarter represents an aggregate of the 1st to 2nd quarters.
  • * 3rd Quarter represents an aggregate of the 1st to 3rd quarters.
  • * 4th Quarter represents an aggregate of the 1st to 4th quarters.

Please note the following:

  • ・This site will not be immediately updated if correction of earnings data and others are announced.
  • ・Retroactive revision of related financial indicators due to stock split, etc. is not reflected.
  • ・Frequency of updates may vary due to changes in earnings report format.

The data used within this site is compiled from the earnings announcements.
In the preparation of the various data shown within this site, we make every effort to ensure its accuracy. But despite our best efforts, the possibility for inaccuracy in the data due to reasons beyond our control exists.
For more detailed earnings information please see the Reference Material.