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  3. 2024/05/21

Morpho Releases “Morpho Pose Estimator™” ver2.3 Automotive SPICE Level 2-Certified Pose Estimation Technology


Tokyo, Japan –May 21st, 2024– Morpho, Inc. (hereinafter, “Morpho”), a global leader in image processing and imaging AI solutions, announced today that it has released “Morpho Pose Estimator™” version 2.3, a new version of its pose estimation technology. This new version has received Level 2 certification from Automotive SPICE (hereinafter “A-SPICE”), a standard framework for protecting the quality of in-vehicle software technology development.


in-vehicle software such as AD/ADAS and DMS/OMS are often used in applications that affect people’s safety, so they require an even higher level of software quality. A-SPICE is a standard framework for ensuring the quality of in-vehicle software technology development. It was formulated by the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) based on standards from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and reflects the special characteristics of the automobile industry. In recent years, it has grown in importance not only in Europe but also in Japan.

Background behind certification

Morpho has its sights set on expanding global sales in the safety and security-related on-board device and mobility fields. It underwent an assessment by an outside A-SPICE assessor and made major revisions to its development processes and product management processes for in-vehicle devices.

Certified products

“Morpho Pose Estimator” ver2.3, a pose estimation technology with an extensive track record of use in automobile applications, acquired A-SPICE Level 2 certification, recognizing it for implementing development processes based on A-SPICE. “Morpho Pose Estimator” ver2.3 is Morpho’s first A-SPICE Level 2-certified product.


To further expand the range of fields with high quality standards in which Morpho software can be used, Morpho is striving to continuously improve the quality not only of “Morpho Pose Estimator” but of all its in-vehicle software products.

About Pose Estimation Technology “Morpho Pose Estimator” ver2.3

This versatile AI-based pose estimation technology can be used in both vehicle interior and exterior applications. It identifies up to 18 feature points per person and estimates the person’s body shape, pose, and gestures. There is a lineup of AI models, from high precision models to high speed processing models, so users can select the human model best suited to their needs.

“Morpho Pose Estimator” ver2.3 contains “SoftNeuro®, Morpho’s high-speed AI inference engine, and can be ported to SoC AI accelerators from variety of manufacturers.


– Pose Estimation “Morpho Pose Estimator”:

– Fast AI Inference Engine “SoftNeuro”: