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Artificial Bokeh Effect

Morpho Portrait Bokeh™

Morpho Portrait Bokeh is a background blur technique that allows extraction of regions in the photo that show persons, using AI. This allows clear separation of the subject and the background, blurring the background while keeping the person’s head, shoulders, etc. in focus.


  • Even if you have a smartphone with only a single-lens camera, you can easily take pictures with a blurred background.
  • Compatible with Morpho's SoftNeuro AI-inference engine, making it fast and lightweight on smartphones.
  • The outline of a person( head, shoulder, etc.) is not blurred, and the boundary with the background can be clearly separated.

Product Details

“Morpho Portrait Bokeh™” is a technology that utilizes AI to segment areas showing persons from an image taken with a single camera and blur the background.
This technology enables images with out-of-focus background to be taken using a smartphone with a single lens. The effect achieved is similar to images taken with high-end dual camera smartphones and SLR cameras. Furthermore, AI inference engine “SoftNeuro®” is adopted for fasrt and light-weight execution even on smartphones.
“Morpho Portrait Bokeh” achieves clean separation between the person and the background without causing blurs on the head or shoulder outlines. Thus, an application such as background substitution can also be supported.

The Format to Provide the Product

"Library files and technical documentation for application development are provided to suit your operating environment. Please contact our representative for details.